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Nicola Lupo

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He always remembered and evoked with nostalgia the years of his life spent in Bronte

Nicola Lupo

NNicola Lupo (inseguendo i ...90)icola Lupo, was born in Bronte on 2 February 1919 by Antonino Gaetanio, a primary school teacher, and by Rosina Sanfilippo, a housewife, second of six brothers.

After attending elementary school he moved to the lower secondary school of the Salesians of Pedara to continue his classical studies at Bronte in the Ginnasio-liceo juxtaposed school annexed to the Real Collegio Capizzi.

He graduated in 1942 in Catania in modern literature discussing a thesis in history on "Culture in Acireale in the nineteenth century" with prof. Antonino De Stefano, one of the greatest scholars of Frederick II of Swabia. "That thesis - Prof. Lupo tells us - was assigned to me because that year (41/42) I was already teaching at the Pennisi High School in that city".

He taught in middle school in half of Italy wandering from Sicily (Acireale and Bronte), Calabria (in Locri for two years), Puglia (in Bari for sixteen) and Rome ("for twenty-five years, still in the Middle School of which I experienced firsthand all the reforms from that of Bottai onwards ").

He retired and returned to Puglia where he lives between Bari and Selva di Fasano in the Brindisino area (where, in order to "not lose his memory of his roots", almost with nostalgia for his native village, he called the house where he lives "Villa Bronte") .

Wrote books on
"Federico II of Svevia", 1996, published by Vito Mastrosimini, Castellana Grotte;
"Federico II of Svevia seen by A. De Stefano and G. Pepe" and about his teacher ("Antonino De Stefano man, heretic, historian", La Forbice).

In 1995 with the publisher Vito Mastrosimini of Castellana Grotte he published "Fantasmi - Storie paesane" (Ghosts-Country histories), a pretty diary where Nicola Lupo remembers episodes of the years spent in Bronte in his youth, describing and evoking "past persona­lities or still living and facts and histories with the typical emotion of who finds and rediscovers its roots".

A testimony (nearly historical), concise and well written with a pleasant style, where many places and typical figures, protagonists of the brontese life of the last century ('a batìa, Nino Laròsa, Filippo Spitaleri nicknamed Scagghìtta, U Zzù Luiggi, u Tàramu, u casìno de' civili, etc), are pleasantly brought back to memory.

On the right, professor Nicola Lupo in a drawing by Mario Schilirò.


Fantasmi - Storiette paesane, second edition in format- READ THE BOOK

ITALIAN VERSIONTranslated by Sam Di Bella


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