
Bronte's economy

Green Bronte pistachio

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50 Recipes with «Bronte's gold»

Bronte green pistachio cakes

 Pistachio cake 1

6 eggs 250 gr. of sugar, 300 gr. of minced pistachio, 100 gr. of flour, 150 gr. of melted butter, 1 sachet of yeast.

heat the oven at  150° and maintain  this temperature  for all the time of cooking.

Whip the eggs and the sugar; add the minced pistachio, the cold and melted butter, the flour and the yeast.

Pour the compound in a tin well buttered and sprinkled with flour, pass it quickly in the hot oven for about 45 minutes.

Once the cooking is done, leave the cake in the off oven for an additional  5 minutes.

When completely cold, sprinkle the sweet with icing sugar.

 Pistachio cake 2

Ingredients for 4 persons:
250 gr. of peeled and finely minced pistachios, If you prefer more aroma and less color in the cake, leave the pistachio unpeeled, 200 gr. of sugar, 3 eggs, 3 small spoonfuls of flour.

Mix the minced pistachios with the egg yolk and the sugar, add then the flour and the albumens beaten to snow.

Pour the compound in a buttered tin and cook in oven at moderate heat for about a hour.

Sprinkle the cooled sweet with icing sugar.

 Rolled Pistachio cake

12 eggs, half a liter of cream, half a glass of  liqueur type grand-marnier, a cup of pistachios, four cups of flour, four small spoonfuls of powdered yeast, for cups of  caster sugar, a knob of butter, a pinch of salt, a cup of icing sugar.

Spread  some grease paper on the table and butter it. Beat the eggs with the caster sugar and the salt until they become soft.

Add, little by little, the flour, sifted together wit the yeast. Pour the cream so obtained on the sheet of grease paper, spread it to make it about a finger high in a way to form a square.

Put it in oven at a moderate heat, for nearly a quarter of a hour till the paste shall be cooked.

Sprinkle with icing sugar a piece of fine cloth,  remove the grease paper and place the sweet on the cloth, roll it with it, close it and make it cool down completely.

Whip the cream and mix to it the remaining icing sugar little by little, add at the end, the grand marnier and the minced pistachios.

Spread again the sweet, covering it with the obtained cream and roll it again on itself without the cloth.

Place it on the serving dish and put it in the refrigerator until you are ready to serve.

 Pistachio cake 3


200 gr. of flour, 200 gr. of castor sugar, 4 eggs, a small spoonful of yeast in powder, 150 gr. of Bronte's pistachio, 100 gr. of butter, 50 gr. of icing sugar, a pinch of salt.

Whip to a steady snow the albumens of the eggs in a bowl and add, while whipping, half the castor sugar.

In another bowl pour the egg yolks, add the remaining castor sugar and whip them  until a frothy white mixture is formed.

Mix the albumens with the yolks.

Add, while whipping and little by little, the flour mixed to the yeast in powder and the salt. Butter a cake tin, pour in it the compound  and make it cook, at moderate heat, for about 45 minutes.

Let the cake cool down, remove it from the mould and place it on the serving dish.

Put the pistachios in a bowl (keep some aside for garnishing), add a spoonful of water and mash them with a pestle and form so a soft mush. Add the butter in small bits and the icing sugar and amalgamate everything well.

Spread the cake surface, after taking away the little superficial crust, with this pistachio butter, garnish with the pistachios put aside and serve.

The Pistachio cake of the «Fontana Murata» Restaurant

Ham, fritters, arancini with Bronte's pistachio

Ham with pistachios

Ingredients for four people:
Pistacchio sgusciato500 grams thickly cut prosciutto cotto (cooked ham), 100 grams chopped pistachios, 200 millilitres of cream, 80 grams butter, 100 grams grated parmesan cheese, 1 glass of brandy, stock, salt and pepper.

Melt the butter in a wide skillet or pan, add the slices of ham and the brandy, and cook over low heat.

When the liquid is almost totally absorbed, remove the ham and place on a warm plate.

In the dish, put the chopped pistachios, the cream, the cheese, salt and pepper.

Let the mixture thicken a little, and then pour the creamy sauce over the ham. Serve piping hot.

Arancini with pistachio

(for 6 persons)

Il pistacchio di Bronte, pronto per essere raccolto300 gr. of rice, one onion, 200 gr. of butter, 1/2 a glass of white wine, vegetable broth, sufficient salt, grated Parmesan, 250 gr. of minced beef, 300 gr. of natural, whole pistachio, 100 gr. melting cheese, 4 eggs, bread crumb, frying oil.

mince finely the onion and brown it  in a saucepan with  70 gr. of butter; when it shall be well withered, add the rice stirring it several times in the sauce.

Wet it with half a glass of white wine, let it evaporate, then dissolve with two ladles of hot broth.

Stir well and make it cook for 25 minutes, adding other hot broth as soon as the previous is absorbed. Add also a little salt.

When the cooking is finished, take the rice from the cooker, mix it with a handful of Parmesan and let it cool down.

In the meantime prepare the stuffing: brown the minced meat with a knob of butter and a pinch of salt, then wet it with a little white wine and let it cook until the base of the cooking shall be completely dry.

Now put the meat in a bowl, add the pistachios and the cheese roughly grated.

Amalgamate everything.

When the rice shall be almost cold, mix in two full eggs, adding again Parmesan, if the compound would still be too soft.

Put now a large spoonful of rice in the hollow of your hand, make a sinking in the middle, place there a spoonful of stuffing and co­ver the whole thing with other rice making balls as big as oranges, then pass them in the two beaten eggs and brown it all over.

When done, put them on a sheet of kitchen blotting paper to dry up  the grease.

Can be served hot or cold.

  Il pistacchio verde di Bronte

Fritters the Sicilian way

(for 4 persons)

20 gr. of pine-seeds, 100 gr. of whole pistachio, a small cup of rum, 100 gr. of flour, 100 gr. of  ricotta or mascarpone (creamed cheese), 50 gr. of sugar, 2 eggs, a handful of bread crumb, some grated lemon peel, lard.

Make soak the pine-seeds  in a little rum. Put the flour and the ma­scar­pone (or ricotta) in a bowl, work it energetically with a whisk or large wooden spoon; little by little add the sugar, the pine-seeds and the rum in which had been soaked.

When the all thing shall be properly amalgamated, add the eggs, one at a time, and mix the compound  till it becomes homogeneous.

Pour the grated bread crumbs over a well spread sheet of kitchen pa­per.

Mix the lemon peel, finely grated, and the pistachios and pour them over another sheet of paper.

Prepare the compound  in fritters, make them brown on both sides, then take them away from the lard and pass them on the lemon peel and on the pistachios.

Serve them hot, warm or cold as you prefer.


The recipes (italian version)The recipes (italian version)

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