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Panorama di Bronte dalla Contrada CarbonaraL'Etna da Bronte, via Marconi


in the original textBronte, an important center of twenty thousand inhabitants with a predominantly agricultural and pastoral economy, capital of pistachios, is located in Sicily, 50 km from the capital Catania.

The name, according to tradition, derives from the Cyclops Bronte; in Greek it means "roar", "thunder" with evident reference to the proximity of the Etna volcano.

It is nestled between the western slopes of Etna covered with skiing and woods, in a basin-like depth, between the sandy mountains of Pizzo di Maletto (1633 m.) and Piano Daini and the southernmost heights of the mountains S. Marco (900 m.) and Colla (910 m.).

It dominates the upper Simeto valley and extends, descending gently, from the slopes of the volcano to the banks of the river, where the last trickle of lava magma corroded by the waters is found, before climbing up the Nebrodi mountain system in the direction of Tortorici and Longi.

«Its view - writes B. Radice -, to be enjoyed in the early hours of the day, from the station or from the convent of S. Vito, in spring and autumn, in all its country pomp, is the most varied and picturesque of the Circumetnea.»

The view sweeps «over fields and vineyards and pistachio groves, almond groves, orange groves, olive groves, which arose as if by enchantment amidst the horror of the lava, benefited by the paternal Simeto, and over woods that extend in black circles up the cloister of the opposite mountains, the Nebrodi: Placa, Bolo, Cutò, Cattaino, Semantile, Rapiti, Grappidà, embraces the entire charming view of the countryside and the town below as if in a painting.

The houses, with the tall slender bell towers of the churches, leaning on each other, looking towards the valley, seem from moment to moment to fall, roll down and cover with their ruins the beauty of that vast and varied surrounding scene.»

HotelsRestaurants E-Mail to BronteInsieme

Il Pistacchio verde di Bronte

The Bronte territory (228,558 hectares) is one of the largest in the Province of Catania. It borders to the north with the municipalities of Randazzo, Tortorici and Longi; to the east with the small municipality of Maletto; to the south with Adrano and to the west with the territories of Maniace, Cesarò, Troina and Regalbuto.

The inhabited center has a very irregular geographical plan, streets with a tormented and Arab-like layout, and is located at an average height of 800 metres, on a slight slope in the valley on the north-west side of Etna.

Its altitude: Bronte is located at an average altitude of 800 m. above sea level ranging from 600 meters at the lowest point (Sciarotta district) to 900 m. of the SS area Christ.
Its geographical position is 37°45' latitude and 38°25' longitude, with a territorial surface that extends to a greater extent along the north-south direction, with a maximum development of approximately 33 km.

Currently, the Bronte community is made up of approximately 20,000 inhabitants (they are called "Brontesi", in the local dialect "bruntiszi") and bases its economy on the tertiary sector, agriculture, livestock breeding, small crafts and in particular on the cultivation of a product that has made Bronte known throughout the world: the pistachio, transformed and marketed mainly abroad.

The climate, the lack of pollution, the characteristic streets and the houses huddled together, the open and frank character of the citizens, the lack of excessive wealth as well as excessive poverty, make Bronte a town suitable for man.

PEARLOF OUR TERRITORY: Petrarussa, Piano dei Grilli, La Rocca di Contrada Difesa, Forre laviche del Simeto

Opening Hours

Castle - Nelson Museum

Opening hours: From  Monday to Sunday from 9,00 to 13,30 and from 15,00 to 19,00.
Phone. 095 690018

Library of Real Capizzi College 

The library is generally open everyday from   9,00 to 13,30 
Responsible for  the library is Franco Cimbali, that from his illustrious ancestors (among which we wish to mention the brothers Enrico, Eduardo, and Giuseppe) has inherited the passion for books and the fussiness and  the precision of the historian in his continuous archive searches on the history of his own country town.
Can be contacted during opening hours of the library at the phone number  095/691008.
Franco Cimbali è also one of the authors  of the texts of HOME PAGE.

Museum of Ancient  Local Civilization

Masseria Lombardo, District Piana Cuntarati – Bronte – phone: 095 691636
Opening hours: Monday / Saturday 9 -13

Communal Library

The "Deluchiana" library is open every workday from 8.30 to 13.00. 
Other small libraries are located in the convents friars Minori Salesiani and of the Capuchin friars.


There isn't an official opening time table; the entry is possible in the times in which religious functions are celebrated.
Many the churches not easy to visit as they are open only in particular dates.

Useful Addresses and Telephone numbers

Comune di BronteBronte's Municipal Chambers
Via Spedalieri, 40 - Phone 095 7723040 - Municipal Police, Phone 095 691196
E-mail of the Council:
Site of the Council:
Giunta Municipale (Town Council): Reception hours and phone numbers
Banca Agricola Popolare di Ragusa  - Corso Umberto5036 - 83890
Banca Popolare di Lodi – Via Spedalieri 2 – Phone 095 6910805164 - 83890
Banco di Sicilia - Piazza Castiglione – Phone 095 6911831020 - 83890
Credito Emiliano – Via Roma, 7 – Phone 095 77231323032 - 83890
Pro Loco AssociationVia G. Leanza 1 (Palazzo Fiorini),
Tel. +39 348 6411997 - - Orari di apertura: Lun/Ven 09:00/14:00 – 15:00/20:00 Sab/Dom 09:00/13:00 – 15:00/19:00
Parco dei NebrodiNebrodi's Park Legal Office: Via Ruggero Orlando, 126 - 98072 – Caronia.
Phone 0921/333211 – fax 0921 333230 - e-mail: – http:
Services Office: Via Ugo Foscolo, 1 – 98070 Alcara Li fusi
Tel. 0941/793904 – fax 0941 793240
Peripheral Office: National Road – 98033 Cesarò - Phone and fax 095 696008
Parco dell’EtnaEtna's Park Park Office: Viale della Regione, 25 - Nicolosi - Phone 095/914588.
Aziende Forestali Demaniali della Regione SicilianaState Foresters of the Sicilian Region - Regional Direction: Via Libertà, 97 –  90143 Palermo - phone 091 6274111
Department of Catania: Via Etnea, 353 - phone | 095 447084 – fax. 095 444101
Headquarters Detachment Foresters of Catania: - phone 095 531777
Detachment of Bronte, Piazza Cadorna, 11 - phone 095 691140
Detachment of Maniace, C.da Fondaco - phone 095 690623
SITAS  -  Funivia dell’EtnaSITAS - Cable railway of Etna - phone . 095 911158
STAR - Servizi turisticiSTAR - Tourist Services: Piano Provenzana, Linguaglossa –  phone. 095 643430


The subsection of Bronte's CAI was born in 1990 through a group of friends united by the love of nature and the mountain. The knowledge and frequentation of mountainous environment are, in our area, particularly stimulated by the strategic position of Bronte, leaning between the north side of Etna and that south of the Nebrodi. During the first decade of activity the subsection has grown in quantity and quality, thanks also to the presence of a  Naturalistic Operator and a qualified excursion guide. The office is in Via Leotta,  n° 1 Bronte. phone. 095 914141 - 095 7643430, fax 095 7336490.
E-Mail: - Sito web:

Centro Speleologico EtneoSpeleologic Center of Etna: phone 095 334034
Ferrovia CircumetneaCircumetnean Railway: Via Etnea 1, Catania – phone 095693200

Hotels and Restaurants in Bronte

At the moment in Bronte there are only two small hotels that, even if with limited beds availability, give an excellent reception and several restaurants and "trattorie", where it is possible to appreciate good, local typical dishes.

Hotel Restaurant Parco dell’EtnaBorgonuovo district095 691907
Hotel Restaurant La Fucina di VulcanoDifesa district095 7721991 - 693730
Hotel Restaurant La CascinaCuntarati district 095 7721991
Etrusca RestaurantViale Kennedy 41095 692575
Angolo Piccante RestaurantBorgonuovo district095 693730
Etna Garden Restaurant Via Marconi 10095 691937
Il Palio RestaurantVia Regina Margherita 128095 691937
Al Simeto RestaurantContrada Serra/Gollia 095 692032
Il Fiorentino RestaurantContrada Serra/Gollia095 691800
Fontana Murata RestaurantAfter Maletto' crossroads095 698196
Da Zino RestaurantTartaraci district 095 699234
Trattoria Don CiccioContrada Serra/Gollia095 7722916

The Lupo'S Lodgin

This is what tells of Bronte the French geographer of the XIX century Eliseo Reclus, that visited Sicily and Etna in 1865, in his travel relation "Sicily and Etna’s eruption of 1865":

«Bronte, where you arrive after a painful crossing of the lava, still has, and justly, the name of a Cyclop, son of the Titans that fabricated thunderbolts.
Peaks of lava are nearby suspended everywhere, and on the slope of Etna opens a very long gorge which looks like the bed already prepared for the avalanche of magma that from a moment to another can fall over Bronte.
In spite of the treats that the volcano unceasingly put over the city, this is however growing, florid and important; possesses a big college, dome shaped churches, shops of exquisite wines that in commerce pretend to be Marsala. 
But the travelers cannot find there other than miserable lodging. Being uncertain between two inns, one filthier than the other, I resigned myself to enter in the '"Osteria del Lupo", attracted by the distich written on the sign:

"Ospite, non temer di lupo il tetto:
trovi senza periglio agio e ricetto."
("Guest, do not fear the wolf's roof
find here, with no risk, the comfort")

For my bad luck, later I realized that these verses were non other than a barbaric irony, I was treated truly with the same garb with which wolves treat lambs».

Don't be afraid, friends of Bronte!

The Osteria or Inn, of the Lupo Brothers, does not exist any longer!  The reception reserved to Eliseo Reclus, if true, regards times now forgotten: the 1865, three years later the bloody "Facts of Bronte" (during which, in the night of the 2 August of 1860, the inn was looted and burned down).

Today certainly Bronte's hotels do not excel for beds availability but the two that we have give an acceptable reception particularly clean and above all, offer great tranquility and delightful landscapes.

One of them, The Park of Etna, is located in the high part of the town and dominates the Etna' valley; the hotel-restaurant "La Fucina del Vulcano", recently constructed, has the happy situation to be placed in the middle of the very beautiful Difesa Valley, almost at the feet of Mont Etna and to the edge of its forest;  the other one, La Cascina, is located in the low part of the area, among the olive groves of district Cuntarati, alongside Masseria Lombardo that contains the Museum of the ancient peasant civilization. An other hotel is being built in the valley of the Difesa district.

There are not yet present the private reception structures (the so called services of "Bed and Breakfast") that could favor an important tourist increment and the economic improvement of brontese families.

Translated by Sam Di BellaITALIAN VERSION


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