Minimum Bibliography

Bronte's town, together, in the Web


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In the texts disposition we have used some records and descriptive sources belonging to the Superintendence to Cultural, Environmental and  Archi­tectural Properties of Oriental Sicily in Catania and of some writers work concerning Bronte, its history and its personages. In particular we quote:

Maria Castiglione

Electoral Geography of Bronte's Council (Giuseppe Maimone Editor, Catania, 1998) 

Antonino Cimbali

Ricordi e Lettere ai figli, (Torino, Fratelli Bocca Editori, 1903), reprint by Banca Popolare di Bronte (Tipolito Centrostampa, Bronte, 2002).

Enrico Cimbali

Epistolario, (Torino, Unione tipografica Editrice, 1912). 

Giuseppe Cimbali

Homage to Nicola Spedalieri, (Bronte, Dicembre 1990). 

Antonio Corsaro

The Real Capizzi College , (Catania 1994). 

Salvatore Cucinotta

Sicily and Sicilians - From Bourbon reforms  to "rivolgimento piemontese - Soppressioni", (Sicilian Editions  Messina,  1996).

Francesco Currenti

A saint for today, (Editrice Rogate, Roma, 1993).

Gesualdo De Luca

History of the city of Bronte, (Milano, 1883), 

Irene Faro

The pistachio between history and cooking - Hundred recipes from Sicily and the world to taste and appreciate pistachio (Centro Studi "Europa 2000", San Giovanni La Punta, 1991).

Giuseppe Galati

Bronte - Economy and  society at the beginning of XX century. (Le Nuove Muse Editrice, Catania, 2002).

Nunzio Galati

Maniace, The ex Nelson Duchy , (Catania 1988).

Paolo Giansiracusa

Open air museum of sculpture - Nelson Castle  of Bronte, (ICA Institute for Culture and Arts, Catania, 1990).
Nunzio Sciavarrello - The environment, the flowers, the doves. (Il Demarateion, Siracusa 1985).

Franco Greco (a cura di)

The principal adversities of pistachio in Bronte's territory, (Association Young men Project , Catania, 1998).

Nino Leanza (a cura di)

Bronte' process, (Salvatore Sciascia editor, 1985).

Giuseppe Lo Giudice

Rural Communities in modern Sicily - Bronte (1747-1853), (Catania' University,  1969). 

Salvo Nibali

The Nelson Castle  (1985) .

Raffaele Majetti

The centenary of a father - Antonino Cimbali, (Topografia F. Centenari, Roma, 1922).

Vincenzo Pappalardo

The  Spiritual  Court of Bronte - The clerical  vigilance over family' sores  in the centuries  XVIII and XIX, (Rubettino Editor, Messina, 1993).

Emilia Poli Marchese

Plants and flowers of Etna, (1991, Sellerio editor, Palermo).

Antonino Radice

Lost Rervival, (1995, De Martinis & C editors, Catania).

Benedetto Radice

Historic Memories  of Bronte, (1926).
Nino Bixio in Bronte, published in 1910, Editions Salvatore Sciascia (Caltanissetta, 1963).
Two Sicilian glories, The brothers De Luca, (Bronte, 1926).

Salvatore Scalia

Process to Bixio, (Catania 1991, Giuseppe Maimone Editor).

Vincenzo Schilirò

The venerable Ignazio Capizzi, (Bronte, 1993).

Pasquale Spanò

There was once the "Rizzonito" - (Bronte in Europe's history), (Torino, 1993).

Ordine degli Architetti della Provincia di Catania

The Etna's Park - The role of Architecture in the environment, (Catania, 1995).

22° Distretto Scolastico - Adrano

An itinerary along the valley of the Saracena river, (Adrano, 1988).

  Bibliography (Italian version, more complete)



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