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Was completed in 1601 and, as is written in a memorial tablet of the cantors zone, restored and decorated in 1891, with the addition of three double lancet windows placed between the superior portal and the triangular tympanum. It is located on the corso Umberto, on a strongly sloping ground, in a highly banked position, connected to the roadbed by a long flight of steps in lava stone. The edifice is dedicated to Madonna Of The Chain or Santa Maria Of The Snow (ad nives), to which the brontesi are very devout and to which, during the centuries, many times the farmers addressed prayers and asked protection against the drought which was threatening their crops.
The church pediment with a beautiful portal with curvilinear tympanum is made of lava stone and held by Corinthian columns. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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The Little Seminary
The Little Seminary was once the seat of the ancient San Filippo Neri Oratory. The Oratory of S. Phillip Neri was built, adjoining the church, during the first years of 1600, together with the Philippine fathers who, for centuries, performed activities of elementary instruction (“Little Grammar School”) in favor of needy class. Here started also the first studies of Nicola Spedalieri and the Ven. Ignazio Capizzi. Part of the ancient Philippine oratory was later rebuilt and, in a very large room were put up poor and old beggars. In 1922 the priest Giuseppe Salanitri, with the help of Cardinal Nava and the income from a pistachio grove belonging to the church (‘u locu ‘a Catina), made of the Philippine Oratory the seat of the Piccolo Seminary still in existence. Father Giuseppe Salanitri was born in Bronte the 19th of August 1874, studied at the Capizzi College and, ordered priest in 1897, as a true educator dedicated his life to the Christian formation of young people. The Piccolo Seminary, founded by him in 1922, has educated very many Bronte’s young men and remains yet his living testimony. He was also active in the social and political activities of Bronte: was often town councilior, president of the Cassa Agricola Nicola Spedalieri, founder, with others, of the Popular Party of Bronte. | ||||||||||||||||||