Bronte's town, together, in the Web

 WHO WE ARE (italian version)

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Bronte Insieme

is an association with the purpose of protecting, enhancing and promoting nature and environment, with the objective to devise, coordinate or realize plans finalized to the valorisation of environment, history, traditions, personages and Bronte's architectonic patrimony; to promote cultural activities and study, to realize research in favour of knowledge.

The Association, created by Franco Cimbali, Salvatore Di Bella and Nino Liuzzo, was born with these purposes since the end of 2001 and it is free from political or any other alignment.

It wants only to contribute to Bronte's increase and amelioration.

Based exclusively on the economic contributions of its members and operated by its associates, it was created, perhaps with a little presumption, to show the many things about our country town that a great number of brontesi, in Bronte or all over the world, ignores and does not know where to look for information.

It was also created to give the brontesi who live away from Bronte, in Italy or in foreign countries, a way to meet and communicate in the net.

On the 30th of October 2003, the legal position of the association was regularized with a public act, written up in Avola by the public notary Marcello Leanza.

Bronte Insieme has become so an O.N.L.U.S. (Non lucrative organization of social usefulness, dlgs 460/1997). Currently it counts 10 associates and it possesses a Charter of 18 articles.

The administration and the management are entrusted to a composed Directive Council from 3 associates elected by ordinary Assembly every three years.

Why Onlus Association?

Because we think that an entity of not lucrative social usefulness is a more effective instrument, nearly indispensable,
to make others believe in our purposes about protection, valorization and promotion of nature and local culture to let us rediscover the values and the pride of what we are and to try to promote some economic development to our zones.

This is because we live in a unique and very particular environment. Often we don't know it, don't appreciate it and don't defend it adequately. Our ambience represents one of the more interesting landscape in the Catania's area, nearly a rare province in Sicily, extremely beautiful, to be safeguarded and to let it be known to people, especially to the inhabitants of all country towns around Mount Etna (and particularly to the Brontesi) that, forced to live with all sorts of restrictions imposed by the parks authorities, not always abide by them.

During these years the Association, amongst difficulties and sacrifices and without any means but the associate's dedication, has managed, besides other things:

To realize a Web Site (in English and Italian) dedicated to the city of Bronte (environment, history, personages, monuments, traditions….) integrated with daily local news and various other items of support and information's for the many navigators of the web site.
We chose the Web because is simple and economic, thinking to the aggregating power of culture and information through the modern communication instruments. We chose the web as a method, a way to let better know and appreciate the natural environmental and social patrimony in which we live. During these years almost 4 million visitors to our site, from all over the world, have been able to know and admire the ambience and the beauty of Bronte,

Our collaboration to local and national magazines to which we have supplied cues and various materials suitable to divulge and enhance our products and our history i.e. the pages dedicated to pistachio of the monthly "Cucina e Vini" (n. 13 of 2003) or our contribution to the book "Bronte 1943" edited by the Municipal Council (with writing by Franco Cimbali, our Association's secretary and selected photos from the site);

The realization of promotional pages on Bronte in other national web sites like "sottocoperta.net" etc.
From October 2003 the social and legal seat of the Association is located at the residence of the president (at 13 vico Costantino), in it are kept the periodical meetings and other social activities.


a socially committed and innovative, free Association.

Free because is not aligned to any political side but only to the desire to bring about knowledge and growth of Bronte.

Civilly committed because it a place where to bring ideas, initiatives, energy and resources to serve the City, its people, its families, its quarters and its economy.

Innovative because it adopts new ways of presence and commitment Making "web", creating a circuit of people and ideas, fusing generations and professional entities, using the extraordinary telematic and technological opportunities.

It wants to be culture: of relationship, of undertaking, of staying together, of looking ahead chasing away the fear of being marginal. Of resignation, betting on modernity and development. Bronte Insieme wants to grow with Bronte, wants to be very active in the city and for the city.

Bronte Insieme wants to be also a point of contact, in which we all can meet.

To get Bronte to be known to others even to the brontesi themselves. It is addressed to all the people who love this city but, above all, to the brontesi scattered all over the world (migrants, persons of brontese extraction, brontesi's children etc.) that haven't forgotten their origin and have sometime listened their parents or grandparents talk about Bronte.


Powered by Associazione Bronte Insieme Onlus
Vico Costantino 13, 95034 Bronte (CT) Italy - C. F. 93123330875
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      bronteinsieme@gmail.com   WHO WE ARE (italian version)