| Minimum Bibliography | Bronte's town, together, in the Web |  |  |
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Maria Castiglione | Electoral Geography of Bronte's Council (Giuseppe Maimone Editor, Catania, 1998) | Antonino Cimbali | Ricordi e Lettere ai figli, (Torino, Fratelli Bocca Editori, 1903), reprint by Banca Popolare di Bronte (Tipolito Centrostampa, Bronte, 2002). | Enrico Cimbali | Epistolario, (Torino, Unione tipografica Editrice, 1912). | Giuseppe Cimbali | Homage to Nicola Spedalieri, (Bronte, Dicembre 1990). | Antonio Corsaro | The Real Capizzi College , (Catania 1994). | Salvatore Cucinotta | Sicily and Sicilians - From Bourbon reforms to "rivolgimento piemontese - Soppressioni", (Sicilian Editions Messina, 1996). | Francesco Currenti | A saint for today, (Editrice Rogate, Roma, 1993). | Gesualdo De Luca | History of the city of Bronte, (Milano, 1883), | Irene Faro | The pistachio between history and cooking - Hundred recipes from Sicily and the world to taste and appreciate pistachio (Centro Studi "Europa 2000", San Giovanni La Punta, 1991). | Giuseppe Galati | Bronte - Economy and society at the beginning of XX century. (Le Nuove Muse Editrice, Catania, 2002). | Nunzio Galati | Maniace, The ex Nelson Duchy , (Catania 1988). | Paolo Giansiracusa | Open air museum of sculpture - Nelson Castle of Bronte, (ICA Institute for Culture and Arts, Catania, 1990). Nunzio Sciavarrello - The environment, the flowers, the doves. (Il Demarateion, Siracusa 1985). | Franco Greco (a cura di) | The principal adversities of pistachio in Bronte's territory, (Association Young men Project , Catania, 1998). | Nino Leanza (a cura di) | Bronte' process, (Salvatore Sciascia editor, 1985). | Giuseppe Lo Giudice | Rural Communities in modern Sicily - Bronte (1747-1853), (Catania' University, 1969). | Salvo Nibali | The Nelson Castle (1985) . | Raffaele Majetti | The centenary of a father - Antonino Cimbali, (Topografia F. Centenari, Roma, 1922). | Vincenzo Pappalardo | The Spiritual Court of Bronte - The clerical vigilance over family' sores in the centuries XVIII and XIX, (Rubettino Editor, Messina, 1993). | Emilia Poli Marchese | Plants and flowers of Etna, (1991, Sellerio editor, Palermo). | Antonino Radice | Lost Rervival, (1995, De Martinis & C editors, Catania). | Benedetto Radice | Historic Memories of Bronte, (1926). Nino Bixio in Bronte, published in 1910, Editions Salvatore Sciascia (Caltanissetta, 1963). Two Sicilian glories, The brothers De Luca, (Bronte, 1926). | Salvatore Scalia | Process to Bixio, (Catania 1991, Giuseppe Maimone Editor). | Vincenzo Schilirò | The venerable Ignazio Capizzi, (Bronte, 1993). | Pasquale Spanò | There was once the "Rizzonito" - (Bronte in Europe's history), (Torino, 1993). | Ordine degli Architetti della Provincia di Catania | The Etna's Park - The role of Architecture in the environment, (Catania, 1995). | 22° Distretto Scolastico - Adrano | An itinerary along the valley of the Saracena river, (Adrano, 1988). |