The inner center

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The inner center

The votive Aedicule

"A Cunnicella"

In this page we wish to illustrate a parti­cu­lar religious aspect, characteristic of many little streets in the centre of town (common also in many other Sicilian towns) and typi­cal of the religious tradition of the people: the votive Aedicule (“a cunnicella”).

We have looked for them going through every alley, flight of steps, tortuous, small streets of Bronte; can be seen without dif­fi­culty at every corner and crossroads.

They are almost a consistent part of the urban structure in the historic centre of town.
Small architectural compositions attached to the houses, embedded in the external walls or in any street wall, tiny little temples built to protect a sacred image, a small statue or an icon.

Rarely are located in the centre of streets, the preferred location is, nearly always, on the external wall of a house, few meters from the ground; adorned, well lit and normally containing a simple shelf. They are turned to the public space, to the street.

From ancient times, as even now, continue to transmit the certainty of their protection.

Nothing exceptional from an artistic point of view, very few can be defined art works. Some however show remarkable good taste and originality and many of them, especially in the centre, date from very ancient ages.

All of them represent the deep religious sense and ancient devotion that link up Bronte’s people to their patron Our Lady Annunciate, to whom they address their prayers during the worst moments of their history, especially the ones related to Etna eruptions.

She is in fact the recurring theme of the sacred representation.

Every one of them hands down a story of its own, a tradition or an historic testimony. Every citizen of Bronte retains a clear memory of something linked to an event, a sensation or devotion.

Some of them are linked even to a precise historic happening like the aedicule placed in the SS.Cristo area to remind us of a terrible lava eruption that miraculously stopped at the edge of the town in front of Our Lady’s statue.

The genesis of the Aedicule realiza­tion is to be found in the existential need of the an­cient peasant com­munity.

It was a simple choice and a fairly cheap way to conway a mes­sa­ge of faith, devo­tion and obedience usually with a pain­ting or a picture, and, some­time, a small cross or a little statue.

In Bron­te’s historic centre the Aedicules are truly everywhere.

Put as a protection to the house and the families grouped around it, was used for their cult. They represented the altar of the neighbourhood, of all the people living in adjacent streets.
Clearly the function of the small Aedicule, in the past, had, beyond the religious meaning, an aggregating value for the inhabitants of the houses nearby. During religious festivities at the Aedicule, adorned with flowers (and also fruit; at Christmas, mandarins among brambles) the families of the quarter (la ruga) used to be reunited and pray together.

Modern life, with its new idols, other types of protection or security and the convulsive progress of time have obscured forever these traditions and their meanings. Especially in the older zones of town, now progressively neglected, some aedicules show their age, many have lost completely their decorations and design.

They are votive niches, square, rectangular or arch vaulted, embedded in the wall thickness of the house or on the face of the wall with small pillars or columns and the sacred image set inside, with a covering and, nearly always, closed with pretty gratings or a simple wooden frame, protected by glass.

Bronte, edivola votiva di Piazza CroceMicro-architectural structures, all different to one another, strangely shaped, simple or in baroque or classic style, poor or rich of ornaments, built with lava stone, sandstone or marble (rarely valuable).

Some of them (among the most ancient) modest and plain, but lovely in the colour and design still visible, others well made, rich of ornaments and well taken care of every particular, with colours, drawings and figures, vaguely naďf and a little lamp always lit.

Nearly always have very simple and essential shapes, typically popular, rather poor in their materials, colours and decorations, with a small shelf for the votive offerings.

The upkeep and the maintenance of the aedicule is carried out first by the initial founder and then by groups of neighbours related to him.

The sacred image, generally, represents the Virgin Annunciate, Bronte’s patron, always different in her making, often portrayed beside the town, holding in her hand a flag attached to a long pole with which kills a dragon. The explanation is well known as it is related to a legendary episode following the blady clash between soldiers and the people of Bronte during the riots of 1820.

With this page we wanted to give a small contribution to knowledge, collecting images of some religious shrines in the streets of Bronte, with the hope that this small heritage will not disappear with the passing of time, as has already happened for some of a certain historical value that we can now only admire in photographs.

(Nino Liuzzo)

The Votive Shrines in the Streets of Bronte

Via Cornelia

Piazza Inverno

Cross Square

Via Santi

Via Capuana

Via G. Martino

Via P. De Luca

Piazza Leone XIII

Via Garibaldi

Via Umberto

Via Victor Hugo

Via Zingarelli

Via A. Spedalieri

Winter Square

Via Caravaggio

Via Santi
Via Santi - StesicoroVia SantiVia CavallottiVia ScafitiVia AppiaVia Bari
Via De AmicisVia Mad. di LoretoVia Card. De LucaVia SantiVia UmbertoPiazza S. VitoPiazza S. Vito

An ancient shrine with the traditional image of the Madonna Annunziata and the Angel, painted on a slate slab. It was built into a wall and covered with several layers of lime. It was recently found when the wall was demolished and restored.
At the feet of the Madonna, at the bottom, the couple who lived in the house is depicted. Note the resemblance of the Madonna to the unknown housewife.

Piazza Cadorna

Via A. Patti

Via Grisley

Via Sterope

Piazza Croce

Via Umberto

Via T. Campanella

Via Firenze

Via Imbriani

Via Card. de Luca

Via Annunziata

Via G. D'annunzio

Via M.Rapisardi
Edicola votiva di via Gentile  Bronte, edicola votiva di Via Umberto
Via GentileVia Umberto 61Via MarconiPiazza Leone XIII
Via ImbrianiVia Torquato TassoVia Benedetto RadiceCorso UmbertoVia Interdonato

The inner center

Votive Chapel

Bronte is certainly not short of churches. And still it is enough to enter the town from anywhere (Cesarň, Adrano, Randazzo) to encounter the first tiny temples and, going through the small streets of the centre, run continuously in Aedicules, icons and sacred images.

Any sign built in the space is never casual, being always the result of a religious and cultural tradition, practical demands, and existential requests.

These small votive chapels, away from the houses, built to protect a sacred image or a statue were built at the start and at the end of the inhabited centre in what was the extreme periphery of Bronte. A decentralized urban choice to protect the country town.

Some of them present the classical wall altar, shaped very plainly, and made of poor materials; others are small monuments with a stone base supporting plain crosses. They are testimony of popular piety now devoid of any meaning and taken out of the context that had conceived them; incorporated among the houses have changed their original rapport between the town and the countryside. 

Courtyard C. Augusto

Via Messina

Piazza Cappuccini

Via Palermo

Via San Marco

Piazza Aldo Moro (Carcerebue )

The two votive shrines in Piazza Croce (('A Cruci Tirinnanna, erected in 1745) and in Viale Catania; in the two photos on the right the one in Via Palermo, before and after "a beautiful restoration"

The votive Aedicule  of Colla

In the photos, the Circumetnea Railway Gallery where many families found refuge during the bombings that Bronte suffered in August 1943a and some images of the votive shrine.

In the lunette above the image of the Annunziata, the episode that occurred during the Allied bombings on Bronte in the first days of August 1943 has been reported in a clay bas-relief, now almost destroyed.

On the right side of the small monument, continually defaced and damaged by the usual vandals, the names of the families and the offerings with which they contributed to its construction on the embankment above the gallery have been carved.

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The Aedicule built in the area SS. Cristo

This votive shrine was built in the mid-1800s as a testimony and reminder of the border of a devastating lava flow from Etna that stopped right behind Bronte in the Santissimo Cristo area.

It was erected on the spot where, according to tradition, the people of Bronte who had lost all hope of seeing their town saved, had carried in procession and left there the statue of their Patron Saint, the Madonna Annunziata.

The shrine contains two opposing votive shrines. On the side facing Etna, the votive shrine contains the image of the Virgin of the Annunciation depicted, according to traditional iconography next to the town of Bronte with Etna smoking in the background, with a flag in her hand with a long pole that kills a dragon; on the side facing Bronte, there is another shrine with an image depicting Christ at the column.

The lava, which flowed on 31 October 1832 from Monte Lepre, had reached Bronte, also touching the area of ​​Salice.

The eruption gradually died out on November 22nd but a few days earlier, on the 18th, "... the Chaplain of the Virgin, ... carried in procession the virginal hair and the relics of the Cross repeating the litanic prayers. At sunset the fire stopped at the order of the Virgin. Upon leaving the temple of the Queen and divine protector of men and before the prayers of the people of Bronte, the fire began to retain its violence".

This is what the plaque walled in the church of the Annunziata says, as a testimony to the averted danger. And the people of Bronte, grateful, ten days after the end of the eruption, proclaimed the Annunziata Protector and Patron of Bronte.

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       Translated by Sam Bella ITALIAN VERSION

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