The inner center

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The inner center

The small streets and the stairs

An important cultural and tourist heritage to be safeguarded

The old city center still keeps unchanged the ancient town planning structure, still readable in the original weft of streets and, above all, the typical architectural compositions.

The houses, laid one on top of the other, the small streets pressed together and sloping, the little lanes and the numerous courtyards, the steps, the paving in lava stone and the many testimonies left by the stone cutters of Bronte on the façades, in the portals, in the windows, still show intact the remains of an ancient civilization brontese.

The modest, quiet, silent social life in Bronte takes place mainly along Corso Umberto ("a chiazza"), the main street that cuts the town in two.

Together with Via Santi (one of the longest streets that surrounds the town in the upper part), Corso Umberto, with its characteristic squared lava stone paving stones ("i baràti"), is the main street of the town.

Casa in Via AnnunziataOnce called "Via Nazionale per Randazzo", it is the first street you meet coming to Bronte from Catania. It is the "living room" of the Etna town, the street of parades, meetings and the usual stroll of young and old.

It begins immediately after the "Scialandro" and, with its winding path and the characteristic lava paving stones, it provides an elegant backdrop to many churches and the most important buildings in the center.

From Corso Umberto, like in a thick spider web, branch off the winding narrow streets that surround the churches and palaces of Bronte and the continuous stairways and narrow alleys that open onto large courtyards. A true labyrinth that encloses the ancient peasant agglomeration of Bronte.

The Corso ends, through the massive and ever-present structure of the Real Capizzi College and the large open space of Piazza Spedalieri, which has always been the area of ​​celebrations, demonstrations and political meetings, in front of the church and the convent of the Capuchin fathers.

Visiting the old city center of Bronte  you have glimpses of great beauty and charm. The town, interspersed with continuous and varied stairways, is marked by narrow and winding streets, on which numerous churches stand and where the remains of the ancient peasant civilization that has always distinguished it are still intact.

The most important ancient buildings and palaces still preserve intact the ancient and elegant frameworks and the elements of particular interest in lava stone (the material used predominantly over the centuries).

Walking through the streets of Bronte

We, walking through the narrow and winding streets and among the continuous steps of Bronte, have collected a small sample that we present to you below in addition to the 4 images above that show some glimpses of the streets Carmen, Annunziata, Angelo Gabriele and Imbriani.

Via S. Giovanni

Via Imbriani

Via Cosenza

Via Annunziata

Via Giunone

Via T. Campanella
Via FidiaVia A. MagnoVia MarsalaVia ToselliCortile Maroncelli
Via ImbrianiVia ImbrianiVia MazziniVia Luca della RobbiaVia Victor HugoVia Cicerone
Via ImbrianiHow Via Cavallotti and Via Liuzzo were (today transformed into the Piazza Liuzzo car park)Via GaribaldiVia AspromonteVia Luca della Robbia

The more ancient districts are found in Via Santi, in the area Annunziata and Soccorso and around La Matrice church.

In Corso Umberto ("a chiazza"), main road of the habitat and representative space of the local social life, you find the most important palaces including the prestigious Capizzi College.

In the center small streets, still adapted to an  agricultural econo­my, and not, as yet, invested by the rhythm of industrial life, every­thing preserve an aspect by now unknown to city life.

The family preserves part of the ancient power on his members, and, on everybody, is practiced the "incessant" protective vigilance of the neighborhood, to which is impossible to escape, but that does not impose such constraints to force the individuals to an outward behavior of acts and opinions.

The ancient settlements, which conformed to the social structure with perfect adhesion, have been gradually submitted, since centuries, to the collision with industrial civilization.
Some of them could not stand this contact and disaggregated.

Their ancient balance was dispersed, but some ancient buildings with small streets and courtyards still subsist.

The ancient public spaces, however, that still answer eminently to collective purposes, are now somewhat different from those of a time.



Historical centre to save?


The safeguard of this centre, the preser­vation of the ancient quar­ters and houses and the enhance­ment of this cultural and tourist resource doesn’t seem to have been an important objective for the various Councils who have admini­strated Bronte in these last years.

The sky blue water tanks that stand out in Bronte’s panora­ma and the abundance of red plastic pipes show us an exemplary pattern.

Why could not be activated a pro­gram to stimulate the making of new façades and a set color plan to respect the local traditions?

Bronte, via Benedetto Radice

The photos above show some building renovations carried out in the streets Matrice, Luca, Radice, Cortile Purità, Umberto and Cavallotti.

             Translated by Sam BellaITALIAN VERSION

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