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Rosetta Zingale

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He loved his Land and painted it

Rosetta Zingale

Rosetta Zingale,  painter, was born in Bronte  in 1916, dead in Milan in 1996.

She studied with the professor Carpi to The Brera Academy (Milan) where has lived and worked actively, taking part in the national artistic life from 1956. Milanese of adoption, her Sicilian nature was always expressed in her works.

Her pictorial mode remained decidedly Mediterranean with the impressive lonely trees, the massive and impene­trable fortresses, the country towns clinging to Etna's lava slopes or hidden in  gorges of a rocky spur, the flowers, the nature with her solar colors.

Her works are present in the major Italian collections and in many foreign cities (New York, Buenos Aires, Paris, London, Brussels, Helsinki).
Our Rosetta had several "personal exhibitions" in Italy and abroad besides the participations to the Prix Signature (Paris, 1969), Salon de l'Art libre (Paris, 1961) and to very many Italian and foreign art shows where it was appreciated and rewarded.

Because of her fecund work was called to be part, as merit academician, of the Academy  of the "500". On her art wrote, among the others, Leonardo Borgese, Dino Buzzati, Gino Traversi and Dino Villani.

In 1962 Carlo Carrà, was praising her as "deserving to be signaled for the tonal seriousness and the composing value".

Rosetta Zingale died eighty years old in Milan in 1996; after his death he wanted to leave to his hometown, donating them to the Real Capizzi College, many of his works, a large sum of money to create a scholarship dedicated to the uncle sac. Anselmo Di Bella (Bronte 25.2.1882 - Milan 2.3.1973, rector of the same College from 1936 to '41) in favor of the deserving students of R. C. Capizzi and also his personal objects (including an antique chandelier of his house).

It is buried in the family chapel of the Bronte cemetery.

Many works donated by the painter to her hometown were to be part of the "Pinacoteca Nunzio Sciavarrello".
It is the appropriate location for a brontese artist of national scope and it was natural and right to recognize her as a place in the Sicilian art scene of the 900 and then dedicate a small space to her.

Bronte's Pinacoteca is in fact presented as "a precious testimony of the Sicilian and national artistic panorama between the second and ninth decade of the 20th century" or "documentation of artistic activity in Sicily and in particular in the Etna area in the period from the 30s to the years '60."

Strangely, however, among the works of the many painters and sculptors of the Sicilian artistic scene, one can not see a painting by a Brontese painter named Rosetta Zingale. The Zingale is unknown to the curators of the Art Gallery, for them it is not part of the "Sicilian artistic panorama" and has no place in the picture gallery of his hometown.

No one can admire his paintings left relegated and "secreted" in the inaccessible rooms of what was once the direction of the College. And you can not understand why.
A little more attention or gratitude in this case would not hurt. It's really true, nemo propheta at home!

"The chromatic mix gains for the Zingale a determinant importance, not only from the tonal values, also essential, but even for the weight, for the consistency of the superimposition from which derives that specific value that the artist can confer a determinant plastic function". (Mario Monteverdi).

Quadro di Rosetta ZingaleMassimo Becattini, author and producer of documentary films, pointed out to us that in one of his documentary "Una Rosa di guerra" (distributed by Cinecittà-Luce and the publisher Gallucci together with the original film) telling the story of the animated film La rosa di Bagdad (1949), by Anton Gino Domeneghini, the first animated film in Italy and also the first Italian film ever shot in Technicolor, in the course of his research on the artists who had worked on the film, he came across the name Rosetta Zingale, who between 1940 and 1945 collaborated in the film as "Help animator and decomposer". His name also appears in the headlines of the film.

«The" animator help "- tells us the record Beccattini - have the task of "animate" (ie to move) the secondary characters and the details of a scene (flowers, leaves, contour elements).

Rosetta Zingale's work on the film La Rosa di Bagdad probably consisted of all this, but given that her name appears in the titles - while it is not the case for others "help-animators" or "decomposers" - it is likely that his role was not purely mechanical, but that his pictorial ability would also allow a partly creative work. »

La madre, di Rosetta Zingale

On the left, a self-portrait of Rosetta Zingale and, above, a canvas by the Brontese painter who portrays the mother Nunzia Di Bella; below, his studio in Milan (oil on panel, size 13x18 cm).
All the paintings on this page, donated with many others, after his death, from the painter to the Real Collegio Capizzi, in memory of the uncle sac. Prof. Anselmo di Bella, former Rector (from 1936 to 1941), are property of the Real Collegio Capizzi and exhibited in the offices of the Management.


The certificate issued by the Accademia de "i 5oo": "Roset­ta Zingale, painter, teacher, for the merits achieved with her fruitful and tenacious work was called to be part of the Accademia de "i 500" as an academic about." In the photos under the chandelier donated by the painter to the Real Collegio Capizzi.

Quadro di Rosetta Zingale
Le verduraie, di Rosetta Zingale
Quadro di Rosetta Zingale
Zingale Rosetta, Bronte
Quadro di Rosetta Zingale
Quadro di Rosetta Zingale
Quadro di Rosetta Zingale (particolare)

In the pictures some of the works that the brontese painter donated to the Real Collegio Capizzi, and then to her hometown. But it is useless to go and look for them in the local Pinacoteca named after another Bronte artist, Nunzio Sciavarrello. The paintings of the Zingale have remained preserved and relegated to the "secret" rooms of the direction of R. C. Capizzi and we can not understand why.

See also

Nunzio Sciavarrello
Lino Ciraldo  -  Domenico Girbino
Ninetta Minio - Other Bronte artists


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