The body of the Holy one, kept under the altar, was given to Bronte by the philosopher Nicola Spedalieri (as from his letter of July 23rd, 1973). On the major altar, in white marble, stand out the figures in bronze of the four evangelists and two little statues of San Pietro and San Paolo. Up above, under the cornice, the heads of ten apostles are represented. A little curiosity: to depict the face of the Eternal Father, on the bas-relief placed on the vault above the main altar, the artist had as model one of the progenitors of the Barbaria family: Don Emanuele, born in 1833. The cantors spot is supported by two thin little columns in cast iron. The Church Of Sacro Cuore was mostly built on the area of the ancient San Rocco chapel, that was adjacent to the College and a small, lateral street. The San Rocco statue, placed in a niche on the right of the major altar. In the left part of the nave, are preserved the mortal remains of the founder of the College, the Venerable. Ignazio Capizzi, transferred from Palermo to Bronte In April 1994. On May 27th, 1858, Ignazio Capizzi, for his theological virtues and the fecund apostleship developed in Sicily, was declared venerable by Pius IX, that called him "the San Filippo Neri of Sicily". The funereal monument, given by an ex collegian, the on. Marcello Dell'Utri, it is work of the sculptor Ivo Celeschi (1993). |