That justifies the presence of the long masonry platform on the Corso Umberto and the flight steps to the principal front entrance. The principal prospect
The principal prospect, simple and balanced composition, XVII century style, with Renaissance recalls, is pronounced by two big horizontal frames supported by superimposed couples of ornamental lines. On the façade stands out the balanced portal drawing again to bas-relief in lava stone, the mannerist inspiration window and the central prismatic steps in lava stone. Well proportionate the triangular tympanum (with ornamental prisms and circular watch) which closes in high the order double of ornamental lines. On the stands out the ribbed cap of the dome with lanterns set up on a windowed high drum and a little bell tower (the ringing sound of his little bells has characterized for centuries the church). The internal
The internal, restored at the beginning of the XIX century has drawing simplicity: it is to a rectangular only nave and stands out for the luxuriant baroque decoration. Two deep chapels in correspondence of the transept increase the perspective view of the dome. The geometrical preciousness of the drawings, the refinement of the gold, the chisel of the plasters gives a singular liveliness both to the walls and sometime make it appear damask. On the left, extraneous to the context, stand out the gothic forms of the pulpito ligneo surmounted by the canopy with flowery pinnacles. The nave and transept decoration was completed early in 1950 by some teachers decorators of Belpasso. The large entry door to the church is work of the brontese Domenico Girbino. Attached to the left side of the church, in the Giovanni Piccino street, stands the Maria College built in 1780 by initiative of "donna" Maria Scafiti. |