
Bronte's economy

Typical products

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Typical products of Bronte

The peppered sheep cheese

This ovine cheese, the most ancient in Sicily, was known and appreciated already by the Greeks. The one produced in Bron­te, a hard paste, compact, raw, with spicy taste and persi­stent perfume, has a seaso­ning of about 3-12 months.

It is made with whole sheep's milk, still with the typical equip­ment and natural manu­facturing process (adding ren­net), in round forms and  used at the table or for grating.

The forms of brontese ovine cheese have a diame­ter of about 40-50 cm with a height of 10-15, and a weight of 10-20 Kg.
On the crust, white yello­wish, are impressed the signs of the molding  in the wicker baskets where the still soft paste was put.

To increase the characte­ristic spicy taste sometime are added some curdling black pepper grains.

In these last years it is better appreciated  also with the adding of green pistachio of Bronte.
When is fresh and not salty, it is called "Tuma". After a first salting is called "Primo Sale", and has a sweet, delicate and slightly spicy taste.

The seasoning is still carried out in rooms where the cheese ripening is regulated by conditions exclusively or prevalently natural.

At the end of the seasoning (for a maximum of about 12 months) is called "Tumaz­zu", reaches the characteristic smell and the unmistakable spicy taste.

Asciugatura del formaggio

The fresh fruit

Valuable and of elevated quality also the fresh fruit production.

In Bronte terri­tory, and et5cly in the high Simeto val­ley (lower part of town), in less than thirty years, has developed a fruit growing pole of over 1000 hectares cultivated prin­cipally as pear and peach trees.

The origin of this production goes up to 1951 when the baron Francesco Pace, following the example of what was hap­pening in Emilia-Romagna, that had started a modern, Italian fruit growing activity, established the first 36 hectares of pear, peach and apple trees.

Other farmers followed his example and, during the last fifty years, the total area planted with pear trees is about 1.000 hectares, with prevalent presence of the variety Coscia (70%) and Summer Butirra (18%) and also varieties Abate Fetel, Kaiser, Confe­rence, Decana, Passa Grassana, Bu­tir­ri and Garofalo.

The pears, the peaches (yellow paste or Tabacchiera), the white nectarine, are well known in the national markets for taste, scent, color and the particular pulp consistency. 


Between the dairy products of  Bron­te  we like to mention the peppered ovine e cheese, the salami cheese, the cheese and cottage cheese with added pistachio, with vegetables or chilly,  the provola fresh or seasoned, the cottage cheese (fresh or salted or baked).

To remember also some pistachio products as the pesto and the nutella (creamed pistachio nuts), the legumes and other cereals, the bread (made with hard wheat flour an baked in stone ovens), the sweets (fillette, nuvolette, paste of almonds and pistachio), the olive oil and the wine.


A farmers organization ("Le Valli dell'Etna"), to pro­mote and make known the fruit  originating in our territory,  uses the brand "Oro dell'Etna"(Etna's gold) with the slogan "a volcano of flavors" to highlight the peculiar organoleptic characteristics of the pears and peaches of Bronte.

mail to: levallidelletna@tin.it

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Translated by Sam Di Bella