Whishing to add flour, the right proportion would be: with 500 gr. of pistachios, 100 gr. of flour. The biscuits should be baked in a mild oven. To beautify such small sweets with aspro (from the Greek- Byzantine aspros, white) beat an albumen with 200 gr. of sugar and lemon juice. When it becomes very white cover the sweets with it and bake at a very mild oven. Pistachio cream by Norman Douglas
Peel 250 gr. of pistachio, by immersing for some seconds, in boiling water and crush it in the mortar with a small spoonful of cognac. put the paste in a container with half a liter of cream and two well beaten egg yolks. Slowly mix it, over a mild fire, until the mixture becomes dense, but making sure not to bring it to boil. Pour this cream in a deep tray and when it gets cold strew the surface with other pistachios cut in largish slivers. This cream is useful to people with a cool temperament. Turkish turban a la Triboulet
Ingredients: 500 gr. of pistachio, 250 gr. of castor sugar, 15 eggs, 250 gr. of flour, some grated green lemon peel. For the glazing: 2 albumens, 200 gr. of icing sugar. Mush in the mortar the pistachios with the sugar, the egg yolks and the lemon peel until you have a a smooth and creamy mixture: whip the albumens to snow and add them to the mixture, then. while mixing delicately, add, very slowly, the flour. Pour the mixture in a well buttered mould and cook in the oven at a low flame for about 2 hours. The sweet shall visibly rise. When has cooled down completely, cover it with a glazing prepared this way: Whip the two albumens adding, slowly and delicately, 200 gr. of icing sugar. With one half of this mixture garnish a part of the sweet, put few drops of carmine food coloring in the remaining cream and decorate the rest of the sweet. Pistachio pastry
1 Kg. of pistachio, 1 Kg. of sugar, 50 gr. of honey, l grated lemon peel and 8 albumens. Mix together the finely minced pistachio, the sugar and the honey, add then the 8 albumens and the grated lemon peel. Form some small balls to put in a slightly buttered tin and place in oven at 180-200° for about 20 minutes. The pastries can be covered with fused chocolate.