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Museum of The Ancient Local Civilization

Masseria Lombardo

The Lombardo Masseria, in the Cuntarati district, is at few kilometers from Bronte, along the Simeto valley, dipped in a green landscape marked by pistachio plantations and sciara (lava soil).
It is easily reachable getting down towards the fork of the Saragoddio - Sciarotta district; after a few kilometers a big gate in wrought iron admits to an avenue in "basolato lavico" (lava paving), that characterizes the entry.

At about 300 meters from the entrance one arrives to a small square where, isolated in the green surrounding, is the Masseria: two buildings joined together by a courtyard and the lookout tower, placed in a pre-eminent position, dominating all the area.
The Masseria, known also as Museum of The Ancient Local Civilization, is a testimony of the first human settlements in the zone, since 500 A.D.

The tradition says that the edifice, built by Arabs, was, for a few centuries, inhabited by monks who used it as paper mill, wool spinning and skins tannery (it is still possible to see collection basins, terracotta channels and remains of several structures in wood).
The museum of the ancient local civilization exposes household goods, work tools and furniture used from the last centuries to today.

Nunzio (Zino) LombardoA collection made of little things, simple proofs which provoke respect and emotion, innumerable finds which are testimonies, charming symbols, of a daily live.

All that has been catalogued with infinite care according to the themes of domestic, craftsman or agricultural work.

The restoration plan of the old buildings, the recovery and restoration of ancient structures in lava and sandstone, and the parallel project of safeguard and recovery of the zoological, botanical and agricultural property, was started about 1975 thanks to the brilliant initiative of a private citizen (mister Zino Lombardo).

Of the ancient buildings were restructured the paper mill, the furnace, the eighteenth-century Masseria and the striking Lookout Tower.

Inside Masseria Lombardo respect for nature is maximum. Pollution, Dirt and Unkindness are unknown: they are even dead.
Three gravestones (with a cemetery feel) placed at the entrance remind the visitor of this with a strong and clear message.

Three writings stand out carved on the white marble slabs:

 "Quμ giace l'Inquinamento, visitatore rispetta l'ambiente",
Qui giace la Sporcizia, visitatore non sporcare",
"Qui giace la Scortesia, visitatore sii gentile".

("Pollution lies here, visitor respects the environment"  /  Here lies Dirt, visitor do not litter"  /  “Here lies Unkindness, visitor be kind.”)

After the death of its founder, Masseria Lombardo was closed. Bronte was unable to save its precious ethnographic heritage which in a few years was irretrievably lost.


Translated by Sam Di BellaITALIAN VERSION

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