
Bronte's economy

The Artisans

Bronte's  economy,  together

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The Artisans

Bronte, with an economy prevalently agricultural, has remained practically the same: any hypothesis of industrial development have been being rejected, preserving, however, the capacity to develop a blooming craftsman like activity, which gives occupation to a great deal of people.

The local economy is, in fact, supported also by many artisans that continue, with innovations and big creative capacities the most traditional activity in the processing of woodwork, ironwork, building, marble (specially lava stone) and manufacturing  garments.

The initiative to create an industrial zone failed, while the project of a Craftsmen Zone succeeded well.
Built in the high part of the town right in the middle of the ancient lava of the SS. Christ, has offered to the entrepreneurs equipped areas and wide factory sheds allowing the concentration of craftsmen and industrial activities and removing from the urban center the vehicular traffic connected to these sectors.

L'area della Zona artigianale vista dal satelliteAmong the other Artisan' activities, in the zone has developed, a small but blooming garments factory, which counts several companies producing clothing for established distributors.

With a production appreciated for precision, quality and care of particulars (trimming, embroideries, garnishing, etc), the new factories have expanded, picking up job orders also from big national and international firms.

The artisans, who prevalently work for other companies, in the last few years, have been giving  work and a remarkable impulse to the local economy, partly relieving a growing youthful unemployment, (occupying about 1000 units, mostly young women).

Images of the new Artisan' Zone. Built at the feet of Etna, among the lava of the SS. Christ. It has given a remarkable impulse to the local economy.

The social and economic development has radically changed and has been cancel­led, for good or bad, a great deal of craft made activities bound to the rural world.

Have become rare the figures of the blacksmith ("u firraru"), of the saddler ("u bad­dunaru", so named because he was making a kind of saddle, "u badduni", from which hanged two capacious bags), of the coppersmith ("u quarararu") that used to make or repair big, bulging cauldrons in copper ("the quarari") to be di­rectly placed on the fire.

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Translated by Sam Di Bella